Friday, October 4, 2024

Boulder Field 50K - September 14, 2024

 Never Heard That Before

"Is she the b___h with the big v____a?" comes the voice over the speakerphone on the trail.

Trail runners are an earthy bunch, and discussions of bodily functions ("what color was your urine?," "the vomit was mostly yellow liquid") are fairly common.  As are descriptions of body parts, but usually in the context of injuries, like cuts from falls, blisters, and encounters with poison ivy or cacti. But this is a first.

"You know, everyone out here on the trail can hear what you are saying. And yes, she's like that because she is in heat," comes the response.

The exchange relates to two dogs and identifying which one is to be picked up from the substitute dog sitter.  With the proper dog identified, the conversation concludes and the runners within earshot - and there were several - go back to the business at hand.

She's Baaack!

Emaad and I had planned to run Boulder Field 50K, partly as a training run for his Javelina Jundred 100M attempt at the end of October.  We did it in 2021, so we know the course and what to expect.

While we wait for a favorable weather forecast before signing up, I'm contacted by Jennifer, whom I've run a number of ultras with in the past.  But she has been sidelined, first with heart issues that affected her at the 2014 Black Hills 100K, then with chronic and seemingly incurable plantar fasciitis. It has been seven years since she ran an ultra - specifically Ran It with Janet 50K in 2017.  But she never gave up (one of her defining characteristics; see the 2014 Black Hills report and the 2014 Seneca Creek 50K report (running a 50K with a concussion and a broken tailbone, acquired BEFORE the race, not during)). But a surgical procedure corrected the heart issue and she persevered in finding a solution to the foot problem. Running the Maryland Heat Race 25K on August 17 convinces her she is ready for an ultra and we invite her to join us.

First and second AS
She says she isn't going to be fast and I'm glad to hear that; as neither am I.  Emaad's training is going to require him to put out a good effort, but I'm not going to be hurrying. My target is to finish under ten hours, well under the 14 hour cutoff.

First Loop

The course is a figure eight, with the start in the center.  The first loop is 13 miles and is itself a figure eight, with an aid station, visited twice in the center at miles 5 and 10.

I know that the first loop is hilly with some steep climbs, and so I take my trekking poles along. The plan is to discard them at the drop bags at the return to the start-finish for the second loop, which is longer but not as steep.

Race director Stephan counts down to the 7 a.m. start and we are off. Not exactly. Emaad and the other runners are off, but Jennifer has gotten delayed in the porta-potty lines due to the 18-mile runners who will start at 7:30 and are now arriving at the part.  I see her coming and wait as she puts her gear and trekking poles at the drop bag area.  Off we start, pretty much a bit behind everyone else.  But we quickly catch people in even less of a hurry than us.

Jennifer at waterfall.
Someone spots my Bull Run Run shirt and give a shout-out.  Soon we are going along with Bob, a 77YO VHTRC runner. We all exchange Bull Run Run stories, as Jennifer is a two-time finisher (it was where I first met her in 2011), I'm a seven-time finisher, and Bob is a 10-time finisher.  It turns out that we all share the same educational background as well. Bob raises goats on his 60-acre farm in Maryland, and Jennifer's mother is boarding goats at the family farm in South Dakota, so the two of them have a long conversation about goat behavior and farm equipment maintenance.  I concentrate of placing my poles in a way that benefits my forward progress, as I have nothing to contribute to either topic. 

Bob goes on as Jennifer and I stop to take pictures. As we go on we get passed by several fast runners who explain they had gotten lost and ran some extra miles. We, too, had gotten briefly off course earlier, but only for several yards, rather than miles.  It isn't a trail run unless you get lost or fall down.

After our second visit to the well stocked aid station (bacon! grilled cheese! fried potatoes! candy! cookies! more!) (mile 10; 3:03 ET) we get to the Shades of Death Trail that runs next to Sandy Spring Run.  I take out a gel and while I'm eating it and watching my footing, I clock my forehead on a low-hanging branch and wind up sitting on the ground. I'm OK, but take the opportunity to just sit on the ground, which leads to runners just behind us asking if I'm alright.  Assured that I am, they go on.

(Photo by E. Burki)

We shortly reach the waterfall formed by the old CCC dam.  It's a photo op, and I direct Jennifer to stand in the sunshine so her hair can glow golden. 

Another women comes along and we use her phone to document her visit to the waterfall.

Second Loop

Back at the start-finish I change me shirt and leave my trekking poles and drink some Coke at the aid station. (mile 13; 4:06 ET).

Off we go onto the second loop. I text Emaad to let him know we have left the start/ finish.  Forty minutes later (times may be inaccurate due to cell issues) he responds that he has crossed the boulder field.  

The first few miles follow the Gamewire Trail, gently but unmistakably uphill.  Jennifer and I walk much of it. Finally there is a runnable stretch and I promptly trip and fall.  "Hope I didn't land in poison ivy," I say.  "No," Jennifer replies, "it's vinca." Other than a few scratches I'm uninjured.

Complex carbohydrate hydration.

We resume running, catch up with another pair of runners and soon pass under I-476 and get on the Stage Coach Trail, which follows part of the old stage coach road from Albrightsville to White Haven.

In less than a half mile we arrive at the next aid station (mile 17, 5:10 ET). Eyeing the usual soda, water and sports drinks, I know, from my 2021 experience, what question to ask: "Do you have any other refreshments?" "Like this?" comes the reply. An affirmative response and I'm soon sitting in a chair enjoying the cool beverage. I inquire about a medical kit, and get to clean up the small scrapes that I acquired from my slight fall.  Fears of necrotizing fasciitis eliminated, I finish my hydrating beverage, and we are off again.

The stage road is wide, shaded and gently downhill and Jennifer and I take advantage of the terrain and run.

In a little more than a mile we come to the Boulder Field Trail and turn left onto it.  The trail is rocky and rooty, and we are once again reduced to a walk.  

In about two miles with reach the boulder field.

It is a remarkable 16.5 acre geologic feature (click on the link above for more on its geology). We have to cross about 100 yards from one side of the field to the other, carefully hopping from rock to rock.

Boulder Field two miles ahead.
There is an aid station (mile 20; 6:22 ET) on the other side, and while on sit on the tailgate of an SUV of one of the volunteers munching cookies and drinking soda, Jennifer reads the informative signs about the boulder field.

Based on our time crossing the field, we are about an hour and a half behind Emaad.

On to the aptly named Stone Trail and then the even rockier Boundary Trail and we largely continue walking.

In about three miles we get on Fourth Run Trail and running again becomes possible, so we do. But only for spurts as Jennifer is scanning the ground for acorns.  She explains that she is gathering acorns to start oak trees to plant on the family farm.  I volunteer to help and am instructed to look for green acorns that show no signs of having holes that are signs of acorn borers.  Further instruction is that the acorns should be put in water, and any that float discarded, and the remaining ones placed in the refrigerator in a sealed bag.

Fourth Run trail is aptly named.  We cross it once soon after getting on the trail, then twice more as we go through a tunnel under I-476, and then a final time further on.  The weather is pleasant enough, my Altra trail shoes drain well, and I make no effort to try to find dry ways across the run.

We reach the final aid station (mile 25.6; 7:59 ET), get our usual snacks and drinks of soda, refill the hydration pack and head off for the finish.

Much of the next couple of miles is runnable, so that is what we do.  Hilly or rocky sections get walked. another section of the Stage Coach Trail provides a smooth running surface, and at mile 30 we turn right onto the paved and appropriately named Return Road. It is downhill and we run at the fastest pace we have all day. A left turn takes us into the parking area toward the finish and we cross the line in 9:30:13.  Emaad is there to see us finish, having finished himself in 7:39.

Jennifer and I at the finish.
(Photo by E. Burki)


Jennifer is awarded a trophy for fifth place in her age group. I receive a trophy for third in the 60-69 age group. There are several things wrong with this.  First, that isn't my age group. Second, there were no entrants in the race in that age group.  Bob, who we had run with early in the day was second in 9:07. A sprightly 72-YO won the age group in a fast 6:49. those young guys are hard to beat.  When I get home, I use gold paint and a black marker to change the AG on the trophy from 60-69 to 60+.

Overall, I'm 133 of 144; 96 of 100 male; and 3 of 3 in the 70+ age group.

My Garmin tells the story of our effort: 31.06 miles in 9:30:09 at an average pace of 18:22. According to the Garmin, we ran for 2:40, walked for 5:46 and were idle for 1:03 and had 3270 feet of total climb. We certainly took our time at the aid stations, and perhaps picture taking and acorn gathering added to the idle time.  But we executed the plan, which was to get to the finish.

On the way home we stop at Dairy Queen for some welcome treats.

Swag: sweatshirt, hat, bib, Wetterhaus,
AG trophy (altered).